Writing Tool: 2014 Spreadsheets

Screenshot Wordtracker 2014 Forest Fairy

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Phew. The new year ist young but already four days have passed. What about your new year resolutions? The first ones  are already broken, I guess. Maybe all but one. At least I hope so. You DID write every day. Didn’t you?

Daily self-motivation is best kept with nice tools. So I’t like to point to the really great Excel spreadsheets the illustrator and author Svenja  Liv has prepared. You’ll get them on her website and you’ll find four great designs “forest fairy”, “pirates”, “steampunk” and “huntsman”.

Just drop by on Svenja’s site and grab your favorite – maybe consider leaving a donation behind.

For the Libreoffice users out there: I’ve tested the forest fairy spreadsheet with Libreoffice and everything looks fine.

Quick, open up yours and add your wordcount for day 1-4. Or start writing NOW!-

Mela Eckenfels schreibt seit 1997 das Internet voll, Sach- und Fachtexte für Geld und Spaß und Fantasy, Science Fiction sowie historische Literatur aus Passion. Nebenbei studierte sie Geschichte und Creative Writing an der Open University und hat das Studium 2017 mit einem Titel abgeschlossen, für dessen Aussprechen sie immer erst mal Luft holen muss: BA (hons) Humanities with Creative Writing and History (Open).


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