• Healer

    I thought 
    I knew your face
    I thought it to be true
    I thought it to be real
    I thought it to be you
    That was
    one day
    your face showed a crack
    I thought 
    It might be a 
    so deep
    to dark flesh
    But then
    I saw
    out of the corner of my eye
    as you switched faces
    I did not understand
    for quite some time
    I was stunned
    as cracks deepened
    everytime we talked
    One day
    I saw you drop the mask
    when you tried to switch
    to another
    For a second
    I saw
    a snake
    coiled around the void
    I did not realize
    for quite some time
    But what I had wittnessed
    appeared to be
    mortal crime
    Punishable by death
    of spirit
    I never knew the pain
    of that poison
    It hurt
    like a fire
    but white hot
    hollowing me
    from inside out
    all the while
    I froze do death
    from outside
    put your mask back on
    your favorite one
    the healer
    and turned
    while I
    October, 13, 2020
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