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I thought I knew your face I thought it to be true I thought it to be real I thought it to be you That was until one day your face showed a crack First I thought It might be a cut so deep to dark flesh But then I saw out of the corner of my eye as you switched faces First I did not understand for quite some time I was stunned shocked as cracks deepened everytime we talked One day I saw you drop the mask when you tried to switch to another For a second I saw a snake coiled around the void Shellshocked I did not realize for quite some time But what I had wittnessed unwittingly appeared to be my mortal crime Punishable by death of spirit I never knew the pain of that poison It hurt like a fire slow but white hot hollowing me from inside out all the while I froze do death from outside You put your mask back on your favorite one the healer and turned away while I died --- October, 13, 2020
Vielen Dank für dieses tiefe, packende Gedicht!