If I would be your Friend and we would be with people that hurt you; I would take your hand and go leaving them behind forever If I would be your friend and people would hurt you in my vicinity on my watch; I would close the door behind them. I would take your hand and say I am so sorry this should have never happened; and ask how can I right this wrong? And I would keep those people out forever. If I would be your friend and people in my vicinity on my watch would do you harm and I would stay with those people as I should have stayed with you. And if I let it happen again because who could expect me to chose? Then maybe I was never your friend. --- June, 9, 2020
Sehr gut geschrieben. Ich habe Ihre Gedichte gerne gelesen. Ich hoffe, dass ich bald mehr aus Ihrem Blog lesen kann.
Vielen Dank, „Sandy“. Das nächste Mal dann auch ohne Spam-Link, ja? ktxbye.