Never Your Friend

Wordcloud basierend auf den Worten des Gedichts
If I would be your Friend
and we would be
with people
that hurt you;
I would take your hand
and go
leaving them behind

If I would be your friend
and people would hurt you
in my vicinity
on my watch;
I would close the door
behind them.
I would take your hand
and say
I am so sorry
this should have never happened;
and ask
how can I right this wrong?
And I would keep those people out

If I would be your friend
and people
in my vicinity
on my watch
would do you harm
I would stay
with those people
as I should have stayed
with you.
And if I
let it happen again
who could expect me to chose?
maybe I was
never your friend.

June, 9, 2020

Mela Eckenfels schreibt seit 1997 das Internet voll, Sach- und Fachtexte für Geld und Spaß und Fantasy, Science Fiction sowie historische Literatur aus Passion. Nebenbei studierte sie Geschichte und Creative Writing an der Open University und hat das Studium 2017 mit einem Titel abgeschlossen, für dessen Aussprechen sie immer erst mal Luft holen muss: BA (hons) Humanities with Creative Writing and History (Open).

2 thoughts on “Never Your Friend

  • Reply Sandy 26. Juli 2020 at 09:01

    Sehr gut geschrieben. Ich habe Ihre Gedichte gerne gelesen. Ich hoffe, dass ich bald mehr aus Ihrem Blog lesen kann.

    • Reply Mela Eckenfels 3. August 2020 at 03:02

      Vielen Dank, „Sandy“. Das nächste Mal dann auch ohne Spam-Link, ja? ktxbye.

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