Dies ist eine Kopie meiner Schreibtool-Sammlung, die ich in einem Diigo-Outliner pflege. Daher ist die Auflistung hier wohl nie ganz so aktuell, wie das Original im Outliner, aber wohl ewas angenehmer zu lesen:
- This Outliner does not strive to be a complete list of writing tools and resources. It contains the resources that come my way and I deemed interesting, helpful or I just wanted to remember. I hope it will be helpful for other people, too. Amazon-Links are Affiliate-Links. – Mela
- NaNoWriMo
- National Novel Writing Month
National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. Participants begin writing on November 1. The goal is to write a 50,000 word, (approximately 175 page) novel by 11:59:59, November 30. - Camp NaNoWriMo
- formerly campnanowrimo.org, now incorporated into the National Novel Writing Month Website
- National Novel Writing Month
- NaNoWriMo
- Maps for Writers with Creative Writing Prompts and Story Ideas – Writing Maps: Creative Writing Prompts and Ideas for Stories
- Home | Mythulu
- „Say goodbye to writer’s block forever“
- „Supercharge your stories with the only writing tool backed by research.“
- WordSmith Deck – BestSelf Co.
- „WordSmith Deck“
- „A deck of 150 writing prompts designed to inspire journaling, cure writer’s block, and put you back in control of your creativity.“
- Writing Exercises
- Cheatsheet
- Creativity
- Critique
- Dealing with Rejections
- Formatting
- Habits/Planning
- Writing Craft
- Characters
- David Alex Lamb: Writing Engaging Characters
- Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions: A Guide to Understanding Emotions • Six Seconds
- Diversity/Sensitivity (Reading)
- Diversity Cross-Check
- Find minorities to interview and to do sensitivity reading.
- Six Rape Tropes and How to Replace Them – Mythcreants
- Writing the Other Resources for Writing Diverse Characters
- Writing genderneutral
- Diversity Cross-Check
- Editing
- Short Stories
- Structure
- Assembling Scenes To Create a Novel – Cat Rambo – Medium
- Scene vs. Sequence vs. Act ~ September C. Fawkes
- The Biggest Writing Craft Issue New Novelists Face: 7 Ways to Avoid It
- „All those elements have to come together in one story. One story. Not a series of episodes. Not a tangled mess of storylines that go in twelve directions. „
- „Fix a Major Writing Craft Issue by Fighting the Episode Habit“
- Scene Outlines, Explained in Great Detail
- Style
- Characters
- Self-publishing
- Submissions
- Bud Sparhawk – Manuscript Tracking
- „Why isn’t the „Destination, Mars“ manuscript back yet? Who was it that I sent it to? Oh lord; I can’t even remember when I mailed the damn thing! WHEN did I send it? Panic time!! „
- Cover Letters/Query Letters
- Query Shark
- „How To Write Query Letters … or, really, how to revise query letters so they actually work“
- Query Shark
- Bud Sparhawk – Manuscript Tracking
- Time Management for Writers / Finding Time
- How to Start Writing in 10 Minute Increments – 10 Minute Novelists
- „My timer and I have a love/hate relationship. Ever since I started calling myself the 10 Minute Writer, back in 2006, I’ve realized that either I’m racing against the timer, or the timer haunts me for my lack of skill and speed. „
- Writer’s Complete Planner Pages Printables | Etsy
- How to Start Writing in 10 Minute Increments – 10 Minute Novelists
- Writer’s Block / Schreibblockade
- Worksheets
- Worldbuilding
- Languages
- Infographics
- Infographic Manuscript Critiques – Mary Robinette Kowal – Twitter
- „A helpful infographic for training beta readers and parsing critiques.“
- Mary Robinette Kowal – Twitter
- Infographic MICE Quotient – Mary Robinette Kowal – Twitter
- „A helpful infographic on the MICE quotient.“
- Twittern / Twitter
- Yes, but… No, and… | Mary Robinette Kowal on Patreon
- Figures of Speech
- Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions: A Guide to Understanding Emotions • Six Seconds
- Infographic Manuscript Critiques – Mary Robinette Kowal – Twitter
- Vier Schreibumgebungen im Praxistest « 07 « 2011 « Ausgaben « Heft & Abo « Linux-Magazin Online
„Um die Gunst der Sachbuch- und Romanautoren, Spielemacher oder Drehbuchschreiber wetteifern Celtx, Scrivener, Storybook und Writer’s Café. Sie helfen Geschichten zu entwickeln und zu ordnen, den Überblick über verwobene Erzählstränge zu behalten und Struktur ins Recherchematerial zu bringen. „ - Analyse Style etc.
- BlaBlaMeter – wie viel Bullshit steckt in Ihrem Text?
„PR-Profis, Politiker, Berater, Werbetexter oder Professoren müssen hier tapfer sein! Das BlaBlaMeter entlarvt schonungslos, wieviel heiße Luft sich in Texte eingeschlichen hat. Ein praktischer Helfer für alle, die mit Text zu tun haben! Kopieren Sie Ihren Text in das freie Feld und testen Sie Ihren Schreibstil. Das funktioniert mit deutschen Texten bis zu einer Länge von 15.000 Zeichen (Rest wird abgeschnitten). Für ein sinnvolles Ergebnis sollte die Textprobe eine gewisse Mindestlänge haben (3-5 Sätze).“
- BlaBlaMeter – wie viel Bullshit steckt in Ihrem Text?
- Word Processor/Writing
- bibisco – Novel writing software –
- Dabble – Where authors go to write
- „The online/offlinecloud-based writing tool.Dabble is an easy-to-use online writing tool, packed with helpful features that allows beginning novelists and published authors to create amazing stories. Like Scrivener. Minus the Learning Curve. „
- Fidus Writer | a semantic word processor for academics
- Papyrus Autor – Das Schreibprogramm für Autoren und Vielschreiber
- Scrivener | Literature & Latte
- MacOS, iOS und Windows
- Scrivener Bootcamp – Jason Hough – YouTube
- Scrivener Bootcamp 2 – Jason Hough – YouTube
- SmartEdit Writer – SmartEdit
- Storyist – Home
- „A powerful writing environment for novelists and screenwriters Do you have a story to tell? Unlike conventional word processors, Storyist helps you track your plot, characters, and settings, and keeps all of your writing organized and accessible— so you can focus on telling your story. „
- MacOS und iOS only
- Writer’s Café fiction writing software – novels – screenwriting – short stories – creative fun
„Everything you need to write fiction Writer’s Café is a set of power tools for all fiction writers, whether experienced or just starting out. The heart of Writer’s Café is StoryLines, a powerful but simple to use story development tool that dramatically accelerates the creation and structuring of your novel or screenplay. USB drive Fully portable – can run from a USB drive Designed by published novelist Harriet Smart, Writer’s Café also includes a notebook, journal, research organiser, pinboard, inspirational quotations, daily writing tips, writing exercises, name generation, and a 60-page e-book, Fiction: The Facts, distilling 20 years of writing experience.“ - yWriter – novel writing software designed by an author, not a salesman
- Android
- JotterPad — Writer for Android
Best writing App for Android
- JotterPad — Writer for Android
- Linux
- bibisco – Novel writing software –
- Using Add-ons or a Studio on Linux – CeltxWiki
„This explains how to use add-ons or a Celtx Studio on a Linux system, using Firefox as your web browser. Feel free to add instructions for how to do it with other browsers. This is a one-time setup and does not have to be repeated. „ - Literature and Latte • View forum – Scrivener on Linux
- Literature and Latte * View topic – Running Scrivener on Linux
- Literature and Latte * View topic – Running Scrivener on Linux
- Online
- Bookflow – Cloud-Based Tool for Writers
- Campfire Technology
- Dabble – Where authors go to write
- „The online/offlinecloud-based writing tool.Dabble is an easy-to-use online writing tool, packed with helpful features that allows beginning novelists and published authors to create amazing stories. Like Scrivener. Minus the Learning Curve. „
- GitHub – fiduswriter/fiduswriter: Fidus Writer is an online collaborative editor especially made for academics who need to use citations and/or formulas. The editor focuses on the content rather than the layout, so that with the same text, you can later o
„Fidus Writer is an online collaborative editor especially made for academics who need to use citations and/or formulas. The editor focuses on the content rather than the layout, so that with the same text, you can later on publish it in multiple ways: On a website, as a printed book, or as an ebook. In each case, you can choose from a number of layouts that are adequate for the medium of choice.“ - Free Online Novel Writing Software – Hiveword
- LitLift – A FREE online novel and story writing application
- Novlr – Simple Novel Writing Online and Offline
Pretty expensive - Collaborative
- Gamification
- Write your words
Hello, welcome to a little thing called 750 Words ★ What is this site about? It’s about learning a new habit: Writing. Every. Day. I’ve long been inspired by an idea I first learned about in The Artist’s Way called morning pages. Morning pages are three pages of writing done every day, typically encouraged to be in „long hand“, typically done in the morning, that can be about anything and everything that comes into your head. It’s about getting it all out of your head, and is not supposed to be edited or censored in any way. The idea is that if you can get in the habit of writing three pages a day, that it will help clear your mind and get the ideas flowing for the rest of the day. Unlike many of the other exercises in that book, I found that this one actually worked and was really really useful. I’ve used the exercise as a great way to think out loud without having to worry about half-formed ideas, random tangents, private stuff, and all the other things in our heads that we often filter out before ever voicing them or writing about them. It’s a daily brain dump. Over time, I’ve found that it’s also very helpful as a tool to get thoughts going that have become stuck, or to help get to the bottom of a rotten mood. - 4thewords: Online Writing Game
Having fun fighting monsters while I write. Who is using https://t.co/y0pynj1h17? Would love a few friends over there. If you are already using them, I’m katercakes. #amwriting - The Official Written? Kitten!
- Get a kitten picture for every 100 written words.
- Write your words
- Word Processing Tools for Productivity
- Templates & Plugins
- Scrivener
- Word, Libre Office, Open Office
- IShouldBeWriting Plugins
Downloadlinks für Word-Processor-Plugins – Set Goals and record progress
- IShouldBeWriting Plugins
- Interactive Stories
- Screenwriting
- Celtx – #1 Choice for Media Pre-Production
„Celtx is the world’s first all-in-one media pre-production system. It replaces ‚paper & binder‘ pre-production with a digital approach that’s more complete, simpler to work with, and easier to share.“ - DramaQueen
- Final Draft 11
- Celtx – #1 Choice for Media Pre-Production
- Notetaking
- Capture what’s on your mind | Evernote
Use this to keep your writing note all at one place. - Journey | Diary on Android, Mac, Windows, Chrome & Web (Melas Pick)
Online/Mobile Writing Diary (Not only for writing and writers, though)
- Capture what’s on your mind | Evernote
- Plotting/Planning/Outlining
- yEd – Graph Editor
Wohl ganz gut zum Plotten geeignet. - Windows & Mac
- Causality Story Sequencer :: Hollywood Camera Work
- DramaQueen
- Literature and Latte – Scapple for macOS and Windows
- Save the Cat! Story Structure Software – Save the Cat!®
- Subscripton based (yearly)
- „Save the Cat! Story Structure Software Unlocks the Fundamentals and Mechanics of Plot and Character Transformation with the Best-Selling Save the Cat! Story-Structure Methodology.“
- Linux
- iPad
- DenVog – Apps: Index Card
Zumindest die Mac-Version von Scrivener arbeiten mit Index Cards zusammen.
- DenVog – Apps: Index Card
- Online
- ARCHIVOS – Story Development App
- Diigo – Better reading and research with annotation, highlighter, sticky notes, archiving, bookmarking & more.
- Diigo Outliner Function (you are looking at it right now) can be used as a outlining and plotting tool, too.
- yEd Live – Diagramming in the Browser
- “Story it!“ – Mach’s zu deiner Geschichte.
- „Von Autoren für Autoren StoryIt ist ein Tool, entwickelt von Autoren für die einfache, schnelle und innovative Arbeit am Plot.“
- „Du sitzt im Wartezimmer? Im Zug? Oder lümmelst du dich gern bequem ins Bett? StoryIt läuft im Browser in einer Desktop- und in einer mobilen Version und kann deshalb immer und überall verwendet werden.“
- Home Page | Story Planner
- „Story Planner’s easy-to-follow steps help writers plan novels, screenplays and more. Writing is easier when you have a plan. We take you through each stage of the planning process to help you create a better story „
- Home – Campfire Technology
- Write your story, and stay organized while you do it.
- World Anvil Worldbuilding tools & RPG Campaign Manager | World Anvil
- „Create your world. Manage your Campaign. Plan your novel. Be a Hero.“
- yEd – Graph Editor
- Worldbuilding / Storybible
- donjon; RPG Tools
- Collection of tools, helping with worldbuilding. City generator, star system generator, fantasy demographics calculator
- Inspiration Pad Pro 3.0 – NBOS Software
- Windows & Android
- Generators for names, towns, treasures,
- Languages
- Maps & Mapmaking
- donjon; Star System Generator
- Another Outliner by me, containing mapping tools
- Name Generators
- Fantasy name generators. Names for all your fantasy characters.
- massive resource of name generators
- Fantasy name generators. Names for all your fantasy characters.
- Timelines
- donjon; RPG Tools
- Statistics/Wordcount
- Writer’s Complete Planner Pages Printables | Etsy
- Yearly word tracker spreadsheets | Svenja Gosen art and illustration
Yearly word tracker spreadsheets | Svenja Gosen art and illustration Und für die Autoren: Neues Jahr, neues Wordcount Spreadsheet. via Facebook Yearly word tracker spreadsheets Word tracking spreadsheets for 2016. I make new ones every year, and thi… Yearly word tracker spreadsheets | Svenja Gosen art and illustration Wer seinen Wordcount überprüfen will, findet hier wieder die Wordcount-Spreadsheets für 2017. http://j.mp/1SpUYIQ #schreiben via Facebook Yearly word tracker spreadsheets Word trac… - Android
- Home – Writeometer
Android timer for your writing tasks. Can track your progress, too.
- Home – Writeometer
- Online
- WriterStat | Authors and Writing platform for Authors, Writers and Aspiring Writing with Writing Stats and Word Counter, Book Planning and Notes for Everyone. Stats Software Trainer for NaNoWrimo Authors.
- Pacemaker : A Word Count Planner for Writers and Students
- myWriteClub
Wordsprints and tracking your progress - StoryToolz : Resources for Authors
- Word, Libre Office, Open Office
- Sprints
- Submission Tracking
- Writer’s Complete Planner Pages Printables | Etsy
- 5 Tools to Track Your Writing Submissions ~ Edie Jarolim : Edie Jarolim
- Windows
- Online
- Duotrope
- The (Submission) Grinder
- The Writer’s Database: Market & Submission Tracker
Just launched a major update to the https://t.co/ni7GoJpgum codebase. Web technologies have advanced since the last update (and I’ve become a better programmer). This version should be more maintainable, and the layout is responsive for mobile devices, to - QueryTracker | Find literary agents and publishers with our free database
- Productivity
- Layout
- GameWriting
- Nevigo | Overview
„articy:draft is a visual environment for the creation and organization of game content. It unites specialized editors for many areas of content design in one coherent tool. All content can be exported into various formats, including XML and Microsoft Office. With the help of our integration components, you can even export into your game engine. Regardless of whether you are an individual user, an indie team, or a large studio, articy:draft adapts to you“
- Nevigo | Overview
- Vier Schreibumgebungen im Praxistest « 07 « 2011 « Ausgaben « Heft & Abo « Linux-Magazin Online
- Mix/Multi Purpose Worksheets
- Characters
- Scenes
- Publishing Platforms
- Book Pipeline
- „Launched in 2014, Book Pipeline connects writers worldwide with publishers, agents, and the film industry. Through two submissions platforms–Unpublished and Adaptation–the company seeks both new and established authors and playwrights.“
- Interactive Stories
- Book Pipeline
- Organisationen | Autorenwelt
- Children’s Literature
- Institute of Childrens Literature | Institute For Writers | The best courses in writing for children and adults
- „The international professional organization for authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults.“
- Offering Critique
- Offering Mentorship
- Online Writing Communities / Forums
- Codex Writers‘ Group
- Writer’s community for early career stage writers. Membership requires at least one story published in a SFWA-acknowledged market, being represented by an agent, having attended one of the bigger writing workshops (like Clarion) and some other alternatives. Look up the membership page.
- The Dream Foundry – Helping new professionals in the Speculative Arts
- Übersicht | Schreibnacht-Community
- Welcome, dear Wrimo! | Scribophile
- „Scribophile is a respectful online writing workshop and writer’s community. Writers of all skill levels join to improve each other’s work with thoughtful critiques and by sharing their writing experience.“
- Writer Sanctum – Index
- Codex Writers‘ Group
- Teaching Writing Craft
- 1st 5 Pages Writing Workshop
- Deutsch
- Bachelor – Dokumente (PDF) – Deutsches Literaturinstitut Leipzig
- Master-Studiengang / Dokumente (PDF) – Deutsches Literaturinstitut Leipzig
- Bewerben – Literaturinstitut Hildesheim
- „Kreatives Schreiben und Kulturjournalismus (BA)“
- „Literarisches Schreiben und Lektorieren (MA)“
- English
- Deutsch
- Writing Academies
- Deutsch
- Literatur | Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung
- „Dr. Olaf Kutzmutz Leitung Programmbereich Literatur“
- Literatur | Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung
- English
- Deutsch
- Coursera
- Write Your First Novel | Coursera
- „Michigan State University“
- Script Writing: Write a Pilot Episode for a TV or Web Series (Project-Centered Course) | Coursera
- „Script Writing: Write a Pilot Episode for a TV or Web Series (Project-Centered Course)“
- „Michigan State University“
- Writing for Young Readers: Opening the Treasure Chest | Coursera
- „Writing for Young Readers: Opening the Treasure Chest“
- „This course will guide you with a combination of video lectures, online readings, peer reviews, and guest appearances from world-renowned children’s authors.“
- „Commonwealth Education Trust“
- Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop | Coursera
- „Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop“
- „California Institute of the Arts“
- Good with Words: Writing and Editing | Coursera
- „Good with Words: Writing and Editing Specialization“
- „Writing. Editing. Persuasion. Learn the mechanics and strategy of effective communication.“
- Write A Feature Length Screenplay For Film Or Television | Coursera
- „Write A Feature Length Screenplay For Film Or Television“
- „Michigan State University“
- Plagues, Witches, and War: The Worlds of Historical Fiction | Coursera
- „Plagues, Witches, and War: The Worlds of Historical Fiction“
- „A unique and exciting introduction to the genre and craft of historical fiction, for curious students, aspiring authors–anyone with a passion for the past. Read classics of the genre, encounter bestselling writers of historical fiction, and discover your own historical archive while interacting with a global community of interested readers.“
- „University of Virginia“
- Specializations
- Creative Writing Specialization | Coursera
- „Creative Writing Specialization „
- „5-course series“
- „Wesleyan University“
- Memoir and Personal Essay: Write About Yourself | Coursera
- „Memoir and Personal Essay: Write About Yourself Specialization“
- „Write Your Story with Confidence. Learn from four published memoirists and essayists the tools and tricks to write your story“
- „Wesleyan University“
- Creative Writing Specialization | Coursera
- Write Your First Novel | Coursera
- edX
- Udemy
- Books
- Creative Writing Degree – Open University
- Craft & Inspiration
- Diversity in Fiction
- Worldbuilding
- Deutsch
- English
- BBC Radio 4 – The Reith Lectures, Hilary Mantel – Available now
- Ditch Diggers | The Murverse Mothership
- How Story Works
- I Should Be Writing | The Murverse Mothership
- Secret Library Podcast
- The Creative Penn Podcast: Writing, Publishing, Book Marketing, Making A Living With Your Writing | The Creative Penn
- World Building for Masochists
- Writing Excuses | Fifteen minutes long, because you’re in a hurry, and we’re not that smart.
- Writing for Children – Podcast
- Write Now Episodes | Sarah Rhea Werner
- Discontinued: Seated at the writer’s table – Episods Archives – Phil Giangrande Production
- Research
- Pessimists Archive – Profil / Twitter
- Folklore Thursday – Profil / Twitter
- „#FolkloreThursday is a place to share folklore related blog posts and facts every Thursday! Founded by @DeeDeeChainey & @WillowWinsham. http://bit.ly/FTBBC„
- Research
- Revision
- Alexandra Rowland @ Twitter
- „AWRIGHT everybody, people keep asking me about this so here we go: We’re gonna talk about revising a novel! We’re gonna talk about technique! We’re gonna talk about murderboards! We’re gonna THREAD.“
- „Let’s start from first principles: 1. Novels are huge and messy and broken. Period. No one has ever written a perfect novel, even after revision. Perfection is for poems and short stories. 2. You can’t hold a whole novel in your head all at once.“
- „Revising can be a science. Thus, WE MURDERBOARD.“
- Alexandra Rowland @ Twitter
- Science for Writers
- ScienceVet, A Twitter Thread about sex.
- „So. Hi new people! Apparently, we’re gonna talk about sex. Like physical sex! Because… there’s some confusion. First, sex defined: We’re talking physical sex here, not gender. Body parts, hormones, and genetics (and more). BLUF: BIOLOGICAL sex is a spectrum“
- „Ok, everyone’s super familiar with the XX/XY dichotomy, right? Yeah, what we all learned in like… 4th grade? And that’s great, it gives you a starting point. But it’s… well it’s only the very starting point. The IDEA is, XX is girl, XY is boy, right?“
- „Welllll… that’s not totally right. There are XY people, who have ovaries! And give birth! AH! And XX people who have male bodies and functional sperm! Double AH!“
- ScienceVet, A Twitter Thread about sex.
- Technology for Writers
- Valerie Valdes on Twitter: „Random writing tip: when you’re inventing new technology or magic for your story, dig a little deeper to consider the full ramifications on your world. How will people really use it? Modify it? Hoard it? Abuse it? Mone
- „Valerie Valdes“
- „Random writing tip: when you’re inventing new technology or magic for your story, dig a little deeper to consider the full ramifications on your world. How will people really use it? Modify it? Hoard it? Abuse it? Monetize it? Fight against it?“
- „If the tech or magic isn’t new to the setting, how has it been integrated? Are there traditions or taboos associated with it? Social/class considerations? Black or gray market operations? How has it changed over time? What kinds of literal or figurative arms races have occurred?“
- „Thread! Considering how something new (tech/magic) will affect those who don’t have access to it, to those who control access to it, etc. will really change how your world feels, and might change how you think about it in a more nuanced way.“
- „One of my favourite tricks for starting an sf story is to look at a plausible future tech that most of us would love, and ask who will hate it.“
- Valerie Valdes on Twitter: „Random writing tip: when you’re inventing new technology or magic for your story, dig a little deeper to consider the full ramifications on your world. How will people really use it? Modify it? Hoard it? Abuse it? Mone
- Revision
- software
- Literature and Latte – Who Uses Scrivener?
„Novelists Scrivener was initially designed for novel-writing and so it’s unsurprising that many of its users are novelists (as evidenced on our Testimonials page). Break the manuscript down into chapters or scenes and navigate between them easily using Scrivener’s binder. Import background research, images and notes. Use the corkboard and outliner to work out the best structure before, after or while you write the draft. Annotate or highlight text that needs revising, track characters and subplots using labels and keywords, work out the B-story using project notes, or just blot out all distractions and write. At its most simple, Scrivener is just a stack of paper with a virtual ring-binder that allows you to locate and switch between the different components of your manuscript with ease. And when you’ve finished—or at least when you decide to stop revising and call your novel complete—you can compile for printing in standard manuscript format or exporting to other programs. Or you can self-publish by exporting to an e-book format. No wonder Scrivener has been adopted by bestselling and aspiring novelists alike. * Read more about using Scrivener to write serial novels, with Monica McCarty. * Read an interview with Michael Marshell Smith, on using Scrivener to plan and organise a major work.“ - Main Page – CeltxWiki
“ Celtx is the world’s first fully integrated software for Pre-Production and collaboration of film, theatre, radio, AV and comics. It has all the tools media creators need to bring their stories to life while combining intelligent writing and planning tools, storyboarding, and scheduling with internet-friendly technologies. Celtx is available as a free download from our website. This open source client software is augmented by Celtx Studios, a set of integrated web services delivered by the Celtx server. Together they make Celtx the most complete media pre-production software program. „ - creativity
- literature
- scrivener
- Literature and Latte – Scrivener Knowledge Base
“ This resource is for users of Scrivener. It is intended as a place where users can find tips, and a repository of information based on the documentation, frequently asked questions, and topics from the forum that may otherwise be difficult to find. Use the search tool above to search the pages available, or the sitemap button to view all available pages. „
- Literature and Latte – Scrivener Knowledge Base
- scrivener
- scrivener tools writers Linux writer editor
- Writers Rejoice: First Look at Scrivener for Linux | Linux.com
„Scrivener is a tool for outlining, storyboarding, writing, and editing longer-form writing — think books, lengthy reports, movie scripts, and so on. Scrivener started as an app for Mac OS X, but there’s been a steady stream of users who’ve asked the company to produce a Windows and/or Linux version. Turns out, the company has been listening and is working on a beta for Linux and it’s looking pretty good.“ - Literature and Latte – Scrivener for Windows
„What is Scrivener? Scrivener is an award-winning program for writers which has until now only been available for Mac OS X. Whereas the main tools of page layout programs and many word processors are predominantly focussed on the appearance of a document, Scrivener’s tools are focussed on generating content. It is not intended to completely replace a dedicated word processor but is used for structuring and writing those difficult first drafts of long texts such as novels, scripts and theses. Scrivener allows you to split up a long text into smaller, more manageable chunks (chapters, scenes, main points – how large or small is up to you) and to edit them independently or together as one long document. Its structural tools include a corkboard and an outliner for rearranging the constituent parts of your draft, so that you can plan your work in advance or get an overview and restructure it after the first pass. You can also refer to research documents (such as images and PDF files) by having them alongside your text as you work. When your manuscript is complete, you can compile it into one long document for printing or for exporting to a word processor such as Microsoft Word. „
- Writers Rejoice: First Look at Scrivener for Linux | Linux.com
- tools writer storyboard editor
- literature
- tools
- screenwriting film collaboration web2.0 celtx cms
- Celtx Studios
Now, complete your Celtx media pre-production system with a Celtx Studio * Share projects through your Celtx Studio. * Live chat with team members. * Checkout projects for one-at-a-time editing. * Store every project, every version, every
- Celtx Studios
- screenwriting film collaboration web2.0 celtx cms
- Literature and Latte – Who Uses Scrivener?
- software editor screenwriting film media storyboard scriptwriting
- scrivener linux schreibtools
- schreibtools
- untag
- Category:Tutorials – CeltxWiki
- Category:Tutorials – CeltxWiki
- software